Ninga Izhichige Nibi Onji / I Will Do It For The Water
May 6 – September 12, 2021, Minneapolis Institute of Art, Community Commons
We are honored to receive an invitation from the Minneapolis Institute of Art to share Nibi Walk stories through an art exhibit. This exhibit will feature photos, textiles, videos, and stories from over 20 water walks. This exhibit is an opportunity to reflect on the impact of walking over time on water walkers and invite each person to act for the water.
Participate in our Exhibit
Share with us what body of water you love. Our love for the water is the foundation for everything else.
Please send your drawings to
Nibi Walk
1335 E, 23rd St.
Minneapolis, MN 55404
Your drawings are welcome at any time, even after the exhibit is closed. This show will tour to more locations.